Now Accepting:
Standard Inventory Tags
Other Sale Tags
Hand Written tags
If you haven’t heard, in addition to our standard entry tags system, we are now accepting “handwritten” tags. This includes tags produced for other sales as long as they meet the basic requirements. All sold items will appear in your inventory as they sell, even hand written and other sale tags, though non-standard tags will have no description, only price.
Please find below detailed instruction for each as well as requirements for non-standard tags. You can find tag attachment and hanging tips on the prepping page.
Once you’ve registered to consign, you’ll be able to go directly to your working inventory page by clicking below.
Click on the link at the top of this page to go directly to your tagging page, or log in to your consignor home page. If you are working from your home page, click on the drop down menu, and then click “work with consigned inventory” to get to your tagging page. Once on the tagging page, choose “Add Items”. Pick your preferred input version based on your device and how you want to input information: mobile, PC/laptop, PC/laptop voice entry, or mobile voice entry.
Now you’re ready to input! For each item:
Choose a category (tip- after you submit each item, the category choice defaults to the last category chosen. It helps to do all of one category together so you don’t have to change the category with each entry.)
Choose a size
Type a description- Try to add as much detail as you can in the allotted space. If your item loses it’s tag, we’ll search our system for the item. We’ll be more likely to find it if more specifics are given such as “Crewcuts Navy Tee w/dog & pink flowers”.
Choose a whole dollar amount for the price. This is completely up to you and can be subjective. A good starting point may be 1/4 to 1/3 of the original retail price. Condition and age of an item can affect how much an item may sell for. Of course, items priced inexpensively will sell more quickly than items that are more expensive.
Do you want your item to be discounted by 50% on the last morning of the sale? If so, click the discount box. If not, leave the box unchecked, and your item will stay at the full price for the entire sale.
Do you want your item to be donated after the sale is over? If so, click the donate box, and you will not be responsible for picking that item up. We’ll take care of the donation. If not, leave the donation box unchecked, and if the item doesn’t sell, you can pick it up during the designated pick up time.
Once you get the hang of this process, input will go very quickly. Promise!
Confirm that the consignor number on your existing tags is available for registration
Register this consignor number with Season of Renewal. If you have an existing account with a different number, we can update your number if available
If your desired number is not available you will need to registers with an available number
If the number is different, cover or strike through the other consignment number and prominently display your season of renewal consignor number. Initials are ok to leave. Placing a sticker with the new number over the existing number will also work.
Indicate Discount or No Discount “ND” on each item. Anything left blank or unmarked will be assumed discounted 50% on discount day. Other markings do not translate to this sale.
The tag layout should be similar to the above image if you are starting from scratch.
Use heavy card stock paper or Index cards. You may use masking tape, though we suggest caution on certain material and for storage.
Tag info requirements: Registered Consignor Number, Price, and Discount OR No Discount(ND)
Anything left unmarked will be assumed discounted 50% on discount day. Leaving blank for discounted is ok.
Beneficial tag items: Size, Description
Printable blank tag template linked below. Please email us if you need assistance or have questions.
Printable & customizable blank tags Word Doc CLICK HERE
Printable fill in the blank tags PDF CLICK HERE
Please note, when choosing to use handwritten or other sale tags, all sold items and amounts will be tracked online in your consignor Sold Items inventory, however, the system will not track which specific items have been sold nor will it track unsold items. If you desire to track your items specifically, or unsold inventory, you must enter them into the consignor inventory then print tags as instructed above.